If you have a package ready, please take over. I am active in monitoring the 
status of debian and advocating debian in the corporations I am working at to 
survive the expensive bay area; and while I hate the fact that I've let my 
packages lag a little, it's good to have a few people in the debian project 
that accept that being a debian maintainer isn't and shouldn't be a full time 
job (unless you are in college/unemployeed or just independently wealthy and 
have the time to dedicate to it:)

In fact I've seen the new package for liveice and I'm looking forward to 
using it.


Jochen Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> title 279527 ITA: liveice -- Live audio streaming application
> thanks
> Is this maintainer really inactive? At least he did respond to my email
> (sent some weeks ago) and promised a new upload. I'll wait at least for an
> OK before taking action on this one (i do have a new package ready though
> - it's on use at scram.fm, rasik.de and opensourceradio.de :-) ).
> Thanks,
> Jochen

    David M. Zendzian * [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  (415) 867-7812 - phone  ||  (978) 418-8526 - fax/voicemail
  Imagination is greater than knowledge * Albert Einstein
 Every day is a good day, whether you like it or not! * DMZ

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