What is the story on the adoption of blootbot? Are either of you still planning on adopting this package?
It would be nice to get a new version in unstable in time to propogate to testing for the release. If I don't hear back from one or both of you about this ITA, I'll go ahead and prepare an upload to fix the open bugs in this package. Don Armstrong -- I now know how retro SCOs OSes are. Riotous, riotous stuff. How they had the ya-yas to declare Linux an infant OS in need of their IP is beyond me. Upcoming features? PAM. files larger than 2 gigs. NFS over TCP. The 80's called, they want their features back. -- Compactable Dave http://www3.sympatico.ca/dcarpeneto/sco.html http://www.donarmstrong.com http://rzlab.ucr.edu