>Who/What is Upsteam ? Doug Cutting ?

Yes, Doug Cutting and other Java Lucene developers. I meant to say
upstream instead of upsteam.

>Which version of Lucene, which version of gcj did you use 
>[for the lucene demo programs]?

I didn't see any segfaults or compilation warnings.  Lucene is version
1.4.1 and gcj reports its version as "gcj-3.4 (GCC) 3.4.1 (Debian

gcj-3.4 -O3 \
        /usr/share/javalucene-1.4.jar \
        /usr/share/java/lucene-demos-1.4.jar \
        -o lucene-search \

>   - a naked gcj compiled Java Lucene ?
>       - worthless for integrating with other non-java languages

Very well, I will drop the idea of a naked gcj compiled Java
Lucene. If you feel the situation changes in the future (due to a
better gcj) please let me know. In the meantime us poor C application
programmers will be stuck with Clucene.


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