|| On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 19:47:08 +0200
 || Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        a> OK. Marco, can you take care of creating the project?

        As soon as Jose agrees.

        a> If you want. I can't tonight because there's a handball match I don't
        a> want to miss (France vs Russia) but I'll be online tomorrow from 10am
        a> till evening CEST, so we should be able to discuss things. 

        Ok, we can accord on this by e-mail (no on this bug)

        Ciao Ciao 


"I videogiochi non influenzano i bambini. Voglio dire, se Pac-Man avesse
influenzato la nostra generazione, staremmo tutti saltando in sale
scure, masticando pillole magiche e ascoltando musica elettronica

"Videogames do not influence kids. I mean, if Pac-Man influenced our
generation, we were all jumping in dark rooms, chomping pills and
listening to electronic repeating music."

Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989

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