Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name : netreg Version : Debian Upstream Author : Various * URL : southwestern, CMU, sourceforge, etc * License : GPL Description : Network registration to provide a MAC to IP to username mapping
Hi all, I'm interested in providing a network registration package for Debian. There are various "upstream" implementations, and I'm not sure there's a "right" one for Debian. Its likely that a Debian-specific package is appropriate. This package would mostly be some perl glue which Recommends: webserver, dhcpd. For the various upstream versions, try googling for "netreg site:edu". By the way, I'm not in a position to implement this right now, so its a long term project. If someone else is in a better position than I, feel free to hijack this. Also, if you have access to the equipment necessary to implement and test this, I'd be glad to offer my time. Specifically, netreg depends on the ability to restrict network access of unregistered hosts to the registration machine[s]. I think this is something that many would find very attrative were it offered for Debian. Imagine telling a school that they could aptitude install netreg and have it scan student machines for the worm of the week before allowing access. And, hey, we can use samba to pop up a MessageBox("You have a worm. Your computer is quaranteened. Please call IT at x6935."); Cheers, Justin