Am Montag, 2. August 2004 18:53 schrieb Peter Eisentraut:
> Andrew Saunders wrote:
> > Yes. TransGaming asked us not to
> > ( In
> > accordance with their wishes, the developer in question decided to
> > retract his ITP.
> Where will free software end up if people create derived works and then
> threaten (more or less) to stop development or invent new measures
> against free distribution if someone redistributes it or otherwise
> makes use of the rights granted to them?

It is their freedom to cease offering their source code under the Aladdin 
license (which is not DFSG-free anyway).

Your question is based on incorrect assumptions - winex/cedega is not free 

> Why shouldn't Debian users have convenient access to winex?  Some Debian
> users probably contributed to the software that winex was originally
> based on, so it's only their right, as part of the whole free software
> deal, that they can access derived works as they see fit.

The wine source people contributed to and Transgaming eventually took and 
forked was under a BSD-style license (MIT), and this explicitly allowed 
creating derived works and not sharing them.

If the contributors did not want that, they should not have contributed under 
this license. In fact, that's what happened afterwards - wine is now LGPL.


PS: not speaking for my employer.

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