On 11-Jul-04, 05:01 (CDT), Jean-Michel Kelbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > * Package name : nufw > Version : 0.8.0 > Upstream Author : Eric Leblond, Vincent Deffontaines > * URL : http://www.example.org/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't think so.
> Description : NuFW, an Authentication Firewall Suite for Linux > > Users have always been the core of companies. It is also true at the > network level and this is more and more true with the increase of > mobility and the spreading of multi users operating systems. But > classical packets filtering systems still forget about users and only > care about IP adresses. > > NuFW gives back users the place they deserve. It is an authenticating > gateway, which means that connections are authenticated before being > forwarded through the gateway. > > The daemons currently run on Linux and software clients are available > for Windows and Linux. That's a nice manifesto, but doesn't really measure up as a useful description. General note to ITPers: copying the frontpage of a project webpage for the long description is almost *never* the right thing to do. Steve -- Steve Greenland The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world. -- seen on the net