Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name          : CWirc
  Version               : 1.7.4
  Upstream Author       : Pierre-Philippe Coupard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL                   :
* License               : GPL-2
Description : An X-Chat plugin for sending and receiving raw Morse code over IRC.

CWirc is a plugin for the X-Chat IRC client to transmit raw morse code over the internet using IRC servers as reflectors. The transmitted morse code can be received in near real-time by other X-Chat clients with the CWirc plugin. CWirc tries to emulate a standard amateur radio rig : it sends and receives morse over virtual channels, and it can listen to multiple senders transmitting on the same channel. Morse code is keyed locally using a straight or iambic key connected to a serial port, or using the mouse buttons, and the sound is played through the soundcard, or through an external sounder.

* Note from the author (me)

I would like to contribute CWirc to Debian, but I don't have the time or desire to become a Debian maintainer. CWirc is in fact already packaged (, it just lacks proper automake/autoconf scripts. The package is stable and shouldn't change much anymore. It's already setup to generate Debian source and binary packages from the tarball, so if someone wants to "Debianize" it properly, I'll reflect the changes upstream so that maintaining it will take no effort.

Pierre-Philippe Coupard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Software Engineer
Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.
                -- R. Heinlein

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