Michael Koch writes:
 > Your choice, I'm okay with it.

        The fix (see below) will be be commited within the hour.
After that it is up to you to build the package. Are we clear on this ?
(i.e. when the patch is commited I have to wait for you to build
the package and I have nothing left to do to help you). 


*** Makefile.am.~1.20.~ Mon Jan 12 06:34:22 2004
--- Makefile.am Mon Oct 25 14:49:41 2004
*** 17,30 ****
  EXTRA_DIST = cal3d.rc cal3d.dsp SConscript
  lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcal3d.la
  libcal3d_la_SOURCES = animation.cpp animation_action.cpp animation_cycle.cpp 
bone.cpp buffersource.cpp cal3d_wrapper.cpp coreanimation.cpp corebone.cpp 
corekeyframe.cpp corematerial.cpp coremesh.cpp coremodel.cpp coreskeleton.cpp 
coresubmesh.cpp coresubmorphtarget.cpp coretrack.cpp error.cpp global.cpp 
hardwaremodel.cpp loader.cpp matrix.cpp mesh.cpp mixer.cpp model.cpp 
morphtargetmixer.cpp physique.cpp platform.cpp quaternion.cpp renderer.cpp 
saver.cpp skeleton.cpp springsystem.cpp streamsource.cpp submesh.cpp vector.cpp 
tinyxml.cpp tinyxmlerror.cpp tinyxmlparser.cpp tinystr.cpp 
! libcal3d_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -no-undefined -release 
  pkginclude_HEADERS = animation.h animation_action.h animation_cycle.h bone.h 
buffersource.h cal3d.h cal3d_wrapper.h coreanimation.h corebone.h 
corekeyframe.h corematerial.h coremesh.h coremodel.h coreskeleton.h 
coresubmesh.h coresubmorphtarget.h coretrack.h datasource.h error.h global.h 
hardwaremodel.h loader.h matrix.h mesh.h mixer.h model.h morphtargetmixer.h 
physique.h platform.h quaternion.h renderer.h resource.h saver.h skeleton.h 
springsystem.h streamsource.h submesh.h vector.h tinyxml.h tinystr.h 
--- 17,59 ----
  EXTRA_DIST = cal3d.rc cal3d.dsp SConscript
  lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcal3d.la
+ #
+ # Updating this number must *not* match the cal3d version. It must
+ # comply with the following rules (see the libtool documentation for
+ # more information):
+ #
+ #   The -version-info flag accepts an argument of the form
+ #`CURRENT[:REVISION[:AGE]]'.  So, passing `-version-info 10:0:0' sets
+ #CURRENT to 10, REVISION to 0, and AGE to 0.
+ #
+ # Note that AGE must be less than or equal to the CURRENT interface number.
+ #
+ #  1. Start with version information of `10:0:0' for each libtool library.
+ #
+ #  2. Update the version information only immediately before a public
+ #     release of your software.  More frequent updates are unnecessary,
+ #     and only guarantee that the current interface number gets larger
+ #     faster.
+ #
+ #  3. If the library source code has changed at all since the last
+ #     update, then increment REVISION (`C:R:A' becomes `C:r+1:A').
+ #
+ #  4. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the
+ #     last update, increment CURRENT, and set REVISION to 0.
+ #
+ #  5. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release,
+ #     then increment AGE.
+ #
+ #  6. If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release,
+ #     then set AGE to 0.
+ # 
+ #
+ VERSION_INFO = 10:0:0
  libcal3d_la_SOURCES = animation.cpp animation_action.cpp animation_cycle.cpp 
bone.cpp buffersource.cpp cal3d_wrapper.cpp coreanimation.cpp corebone.cpp 
corekeyframe.cpp corematerial.cpp coremesh.cpp coremodel.cpp coreskeleton.cpp 
coresubmesh.cpp coresubmorphtarget.cpp coretrack.cpp error.cpp global.cpp 
hardwaremodel.cpp loader.cpp matrix.cpp mesh.cpp mixer.cpp model.cpp 
morphtargetmixer.cpp physique.cpp platform.cpp quaternion.cpp renderer.cpp 
saver.cpp skeleton.cpp springsystem.cpp streamsource.cpp submesh.cpp vector.cpp 
tinyxml.cpp tinyxmlerror.cpp tinyxmlparser.cpp tinystr.cpp 
! libcal3d_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -no-undefined -version-info 
  pkginclude_HEADERS = animation.h animation_action.h animation_cycle.h bone.h 
buffersource.h cal3d.h cal3d_wrapper.h coreanimation.h corebone.h 
corekeyframe.h corematerial.h coremesh.h coremodel.h coreskeleton.h 
coresubmesh.h coresubmorphtarget.h coretrack.h datasource.h error.h global.h 
hardwaremodel.h loader.h matrix.h mesh.h mixer.h model.h morphtargetmixer.h 
physique.h platform.h quaternion.h renderer.h resource.h saver.h skeleton.h 
springsystem.h streamsource.h submesh.h vector.h tinyxml.h tinystr.h 

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