On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 12:01:44PM +0200, Michal Politowski wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 21:46:02 -0500, Graham Wilson wrote:
> > Audio Tag Tool is a program to manage the information fields in MP3 and
> > Ogg Vorbis files (commonly called tags). Tag Tool can be used to edit
> > tags one by one, but the most useful features are mass tag and mass
> > rename. These are designed to tag or rename hundreds of files at once,
> > in any desired format.
> Does it correctly handle Unicode encoded ID3v2 tags?
> Checking...
> No, it apparently doesn't.

The TODO file says the following, which I haven't followed up on:

 Make ID3v2 text encoding a preference as soon as id3lib releases an
 unbroken version (hopefully 2.4.0)

> So I question the value of introducing yet another broken tool to the
> archive.

tagtool does work in some cases, even if not in all of them. The program
is valuable to me (hence my ITP), and I'm sure it will be valuable to at
least a few others. I don't think a package has to be valuable to
everyone before it is allowed in the archive.

> It seems not to handle correctly even Vorbis comments, which are UTF8
> by definition.

Seemed to work fine for me. How are you testing this?

> Definitely not mature enough, unless I've made some serious mistakes.

It seems to work fine for my music collection, and I'm sure it works
fine for others as well, so I see no reason not to upload it to the


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