There are no data files required to use this software.
'forwords' contains a simple editor to create an individual topic file.
So a person can prepare what is needed to accomplish a task.
In particular, this software was successfully used by my children to learn 
foreign languages.
Before every lesson, they prepared a topic file to learn and have being passed 
all 'forwords' tests.
The result was shocking. They have become the best in the class.
The software manual with screenshots is included in package.
Today I have done a new upload to // Lintian tags was fixed 
exceptdebian-watch-does-not-check-openpgp-signature. I do not see the way how 
it can be fixed at the moment.

Kind regardsAlex Fomin

    On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 07:36:04 PM GMT+3, Salvo Tomaselli 
<> wrote:  
 Does it include the data files or just software?

If not, does this data exist and is easy to find?


Salvo Tomaselli

"Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di
senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno."
                -- Galileo Galilei  

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