Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Edward Betts <>

* Package name    : python-webrtc-models
  Version         : 0.3.0
  Upstream Author : Robert Resch <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Data classes for WebRTC specification integration

  This library provides data classes designed to assist with the integration of
  the WebRTC specification, which is a set of standards enabling real-time
  communication of audio, video, and data in web browsers and other
  applications. It manages the data structures that align with WebRTC, offering
  support for peer-to-peer connections over networks. The library's data classes
  facilitate the management of media streams and connections, supporting a wide
  range of devices and network conditions, enabling seamless communication
  protocols for audio-visual interactions and data transmission over the
  internet. Additionally, it supports secure data exchange, which is essential
  in various communication scenarios such as video conferencing, real-time
  collaboration, and other interactive media applications.

This library is a dependancy of Home Assistant, the Python smart home platform.
I plan to maintain it as part of the Home Assistant team.

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