Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Jack Ullery <>

* Package name    : appanvil
  Version         : 1.0.0
  Upstream Contact: Jack Ullery <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-3.0
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Graphical user interface for AppArmor

AppAnvil provides an intuitive graphical interface for monitoring, editing, 
deploying, and configuring AppArmor.

AppArmor is a Linux kernel extension, installed by default on Debian, that 
supplements the normal access control system. It can restrict specific 
processes from accessing files and other system resources. When properly 
configured, it can protect the system from internal or external threats. By 
restricting vulnerable processes, AppArmor mitigates the damage security 
vulnerabilities can cause.

By default, AppArmor is not easy to configure, running silently in the 
background. Currently, it is only accessible through the command-line, and 
requires some specialized knowledge to configure.

The AppAnvil project aims to create a graphical interface for monitoring and 
configuring AppArmor. In particular, we want it to be easy to monitor and 
deploy AppArmor application profiles, change a profile’s permissions, and to 
parse system logs.

I am a newcomer to the Debian organization and will eventually require a 

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