Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Maximilian Engelhardt <>

* Package name    : python-pylons-sphinx-themes
  Version         : 1.0.13
  Upstream Contact: Pylons Project <>
* URL             :
* License         : Pyramid (other)
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Sphinx themes for Pylons related projects

The following Pylons Sphinx Themes are provided by this package:

 * pylons - the generic Pylons Project documentation theme
 * pyramid - the specific Pyramid documentation theme
 * pylonsfw - the specific Pylons Framework documentation theme

This package is a dependency for building the documentation of python-pyramid-
retry which I also intend to package.
If possible, I want to maintain this package as part of the Debian Python Team 
and I will need a sponsor once the package is ready.

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