Thanks for your interest for Mono in Debian, that clearly goes far
beyond my own ;)

For a bit of context, Mono was facing removal from Debian after several
years being unmaintained. I took over its maintenance because I rely on
the Mono runtime binary and libraries for some other project of mine

On the other hand, I am not interested at all in Mono (or .NET) as a
development platform. So don’t expect me to work on adding support for
new packages that would only have some use in this context.

Actually my current plan is to remove several binary packages built from
the mono source package, reducing its scope until only the runtime
binaries and libraries are still provided in Debian.

So if some of you want to keep Mono/.NET as a development platform in
Debian repositories, the only way it has a chance to happen is if you
join the maintenance effort. By "joining the effort", I mean you would
have to introduce and maintain any new package yourselves (or find other
interested maintainers and start a team effort).

I hope this summary makes it a bit clearer what the current state of
Mono in Debian is, and what can be expected for as long as I am the only
one willing to work on it.

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