Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Control: affects -1 + src:duperemove

The current version of the package in debian repositories is terribly outdated 
(0.11.2 from November 2020), and a newer version of it is available on GitHub 
since a year (0.14.1 from November 2023).
This new version includes some much needed performance improvements as well as 
behavior corrections, which are not available in the old version of the Debian 
In December of last year I already tried to contact the current package 
maintainer (Peter Zahradnik) directly, but did not receive any reply.
According to their Git overview, there was no activity more than a year in any 
repository, so I assume that it is completely orphaned by now.
I can of course compile the current version myself, but I think it would be 
helpful for the community to have an up to date version which properly works.
There is also another wishlist/bugreport from a year ago, talking about it 
being orphaned:

The package description is:
 Duperemove is a tool for finding duplicated extents and submitting them for
 deduplication.  When given a list of files it will hash their contents on a
 block by block basis and compare those hashes to each other, finding and
 categorizing extents that match each other.
 On BTRFS and, experimentally, XFS, it can then reflink such extents in a
 race-free way.  Unlike hardlink-based solutions, affected files appear
 independent in any way other than reduced disk space used.

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