Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Edward Betts <>

* Package name    : pyrympro
  Version         : 0.0.8
  Upstream Author : On Freund <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Library to communicate with Read Your Meter Pro platform

  This library offers connectivity with the Read Your Meter Pro service,
  enabling retrieval of water meter readings. It functions by establishing a
  secure connection to the online platform, allowing users to authenticate using
  their credentials. Once connected, it can access account information and
  retrieve the latest water meter data. This makes it suitable for integration
  into home automation systems where monitoring water usage is needed. Through
  consistent polling, the library ensures that up-to-date meter readings are
  accessible, facilitating effective water management.

This library is a dependancy of Home Assistant, the Python smart home platform.
I plan to maintain it as part of the Home Assistant team.

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