Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Xiyue Deng <>

* Package name    : tp-el
  Version         : 0.6
  Upstream Author : Marty Hiatt <>
* URL or Web page :
* License         : GPL-3+
  Programming lang: Emacs Lisp
  Description     : Utilities for transient menus that POST to an API
 Some functions, classes and methods to make it easier to create
 transient menus that send complex POST, PUT, or PATCH requests to JSON
 A typical use-case is where you have a single endpoint that takes many
 different parameters. It's handy for a user to be able to set all the
 options, then make a single request to change all the settings on the
 server. It's also expected that they'll be able to view all the current
 settings on the server, and make modifications to them for sending.

This is a dependency of newer versions of mastodon.el.  I will maintain
this under the Debian Emacsen Team umbrella, and I will need a sponsor
for the first upload.

Xiyue Deng

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