Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Mike Gabriel <>

* Package name    : libsocialcache
  Version         : 0.2.1
  Upstream Contact:
* URL             :
* License         : LGPL-2.1+, BSD-3-clause
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Library that manages data from social networks

 libsocialcache is a library and a QML plugin that is used to manage data
 caching from social networks.
 The library wraps databases that store cached data, while the QML plugin
 offers higher models that can be used to access data directly.
 This package will be used by lomiri-calendar-app and lomiri-contact-app
 and in its first use case add support for Google contacts/calendar sync
 to the aforenamed Lomiri apps.
 This package will be maintained under the umbrella of the Debian UBports
 Packaging Team.

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