
I am so glad that you gave me some much advice.

First, sorry to all, like Jonas Smedegaard suggested, I will improve
description in the later package. Its description will be more self-
contained and compact :)

Second, for privacy policy, like Andy Smith suggested. After talking to
upstream author, the upstream decided to update code thus I could set
up an invalid value for _DEF_PR_AI_API_KEY, _DEF_PR_AI_URL and
_DEF_PR_AI_MODEL when packaging, then the llm ai module will not use
the default url provided by upstream author and data user input will
not be filtered by server of upstream authors. The user has to set up
environmental variables like _PR_AI_API_KEY, _PR_AI_URL and
_PR_AI_MODEL to use the llm module.

You can check the changes in https://github.com/iffse/pay-respects

The reason that upstream author hard-coded its key and url in its
github release is to simplify the usage cause people may not have their
key for llm and people in China Mainland cannot use llm easily.

However, the default key and url could be setup to invalid values like
NONE when compiling thus user have to set up by itself then to use the

The upstream author is called iff, i...@ik.me . iff also explained.

Third, thanks so much for your aid, Blair Noctis. I may package rust-
i18n in the future, but I can try to patch like yours to speed up.

Thanks so much for all of your advice!

EiPi Fun/Don Xu
Dec 13, 2024

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