Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Package name: real-time-translator
Version: 1.0.0
Upstream Author: Luis Perez
License: GPL-3.0
Programming Language: Python
Description: real-time speech translation application

Real-time-translator is a real-time speech translation application that uses 
the Whisper API for transcribing and translating recorded audio, and Google 
Text-to-Speech (gTTS) to play out the translation. This web-based application 
allows users to record audio via microphone or upload an audio file and 
translate the speech or text into English. It also synthesizes speech in the 
translated language using gTTS.

The project depends on Python 3.7+, and requires libraries such as streamlit, 
Whisper API, gTTS, and others specified in the requirements.txt file.

This package will contribute to the Debian repository by providing a 
user-friendly, web-based solution for real-time speech translation, with an 
easy-to-use interface that can be run locally or accessed through a browser.

Best regards,

Wayne Nguyen
Undergraduate Student | Bioengineering
Northeastern University<>

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