Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Valentin Vidic <>

* Package name    : reproc
  Version         : 14.2.5
  Upstream Contact: Daan De Meyer <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
  Programming Lang: C, C++
  Description     : library for executing command line applications

reproc (Redirected Process) is a cross-platform C/C++ library that
simplifies starting, stopping and communicating with external programs.
The main use case is executing command line applications directly from C
or C++ code and retrieving their output.
reproc consists out of two libraries: reproc and reproc++. reproc is a
C99 library that contains the actual code for working with external
programs. reproc++ depends on reproc and adapts its API to an idiomatic
C++11 API. It also adds a few extras that simplify working with external
programs from C++.

This package is required as a dependency for new version of sonic-pi
package. Packaging repo will be created on

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