Hi Soren

On 11/10/2024 06:26, Soren Stoutner wrote:
This package is a dependency of the current version of python-libusb1.

I indend to maintian it under the Debian Python team umbrella.

pyinstaller is a very unusual dependency to have either for a package in Debian.

It's designed to build redistributable packages and can do so for various operating systems; that's not a feature that is needed as a build-depends for Debian packaging because we already have a redistributable format - the .deb - and we already have the tooling to make that. pyinstaller is also not something that would be needed at runtime.

I had a look at python-libusb1 [1] because I was curious how it might use pyinstaller. The only use I can see is in making it possible for other projects to use python-libusb1 more easily in their own pyinstaller projects by advertising a plugin entry-point [2][3]. That's not something that we need to worry about in Debian, and it's also neither a runtime nor buildtime dependency.

[1] https://github.com/vpelletier/python-libusb1
[2] https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/hooks.html
[3] https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/entry_point.html

I think you can save yourself from packaging pyinstaller for Debian; given that pyinstaller includes all manner of things you'd need to build for other operating systems, that's probably a good thing to avoid. It's likely to be horrible to package.

I'm not sure if there's a reason to just package pyinstaller without this specific motivation, since it's one of those tools where you almost always need the newest version and it is mostly installed via pip in a venv for the purposes of building a redistributable.


(Also, I learned about these pyinstaller hooks and now know how to help a couple of upstream projects that are using pyinstaller to simplify how they are doing it - good news!)

Stuart Prescott   http://www.nanonanonano.net/ stu...@nanonanonano.net
Debian Developer  http://www.debian.org/       stu...@debian.org
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