Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Control: affects -1 + src:samhain

The current maintainer of the samhain package is apparently not active
anymore or has no time to maintain this specific package. Thus, filing
this bug. Also see #1082808.

The package description is:
 Samhain is an integrity checker and host intrusion detection system that
 can be used on single hosts as well as large, UNIX-based networks.
 It supports central monitoring as well as powerful (and new) stealth
 features to run undetected on memory using steganography.
 Main features
     * Complete integrity check
          + uses cryptographic checksums of files to detect
          + can find rogue SUID executables anywhere on disk, and
     * Centralized monitoring
          + native support for logging to a central server via encrypted
            and authenticated connections
     * Tamper resistance
          + database and configuration files can be signed
          + logfile entries and e-mail reports are signed
          + support for stealth operation

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