Package: wnpp
Owner: Damyan Ivanov <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : libcarp-object-perl
  Version         : 1.02
  Upstream Author : Laurent Dami <>
* URL             :
* License         : Artistic or GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : object-oriented replacement for Carp or Carp::Clan Perl 

Carp::Object is an object-oriented alternative to Carp/croak or
Carp::Clan/croak, for reporting errors in modules from the perspective of the
caller instead of reporting the internal implementation line where the error

Carp or Carp::Clan were designed long ago, at a time when Perl had no support
yet for object-oriented programming; therefore they only have a functional
API that is not very well suited for extensions. The present module attemps
to mimic the same behaviour, but with an object-oriented implementation that
offers more tuning options, and also supports errors raised as Exception

Unlike Carp or Carp::Clan, where the presentation of stack frames is
hard-coded, here it is delegated to Devel::StackTrace. This means that
clients can also take advantage of options in Devel::StackTrace to tune the
output -- or even replace it by another class.

The package will be maintained under the umbrella of the Debian Perl Group.

Generated with the help of dpt-gen-itp(1) from pkg-perl-tools.

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