30.08.2024 12:18, Bo YU wrote:
The only thing I already noticed which I don't like is - you're importing
just the tarball without upstream git history. Myself, I prefer that the
upstream git history to be visible too, in particular, so that all upstream
commits in between upstream/N and upstream/M can be seen. But this can be
done when importing a next upstream version when it will be released.
Hmm, could you tell me the workflow which how to import upstream with
full git history? I have faced the same situation which has the same
request likes some go-* packages. I remember they use
`--upstream-vcs-tag` flag when importing initial.
It's the option, yes. And in our case with +dfsg suffix (due to the
cuda headers strippage), this has to be specified on every import
(or else it'd be possible to record that in gbp.conf). You just
fetch upstream git and use --upstream-vcs-tag=whatever-upstream-tag-is
when doing `gbp import-orig`, that's it. And gbp will use the given
tag as a parent for the upstream/N commit.
Here I would like to suggest, could you re-import aemu from upstream
with full git history under qemu team salsa directly? Then we can
combine the debian/* into new aemu which is under qemu team. I think
this is a very fast way than others.
I thought about this one, yes. Lemme do it this way:
- clone upstream repository
- create our branches in it (upstream, debian/main, pristine-tar)
- create sample d/copyright with Files-Excluded: and create gbp.conf
- run gbp import-orig with the right tags and +dfsg
- cherry-pick all your commits to debian/
- fix a few minor things up (like adding Files-Excluded), add
Uploaders, and add a few my commits.
And publish it on salsa for your review to see what I've done. And
next we can upload it.
Maybe it can be uploaded to NEW
after some modifications. Please feel free to change/update anything
on debian/*[0]. Because it blocks gfxstream also so can speed up it.
Talking about gfxstream, it is under my ITP also. So please feel free
to take over it also if you are willing. I would like to maintain it
under qemu team. I have one POC phrased packaging, but I remembered it
can not be built last time.:(
Yes, I did similar packaging for gfxstream too, and I guess we're
on exactly the same position there too ;) I haven't looked at your
gfxstream packaging yet. Sure thing I'll take a look there too.
Thanks you, please let me know if any issues.
Let's do it together. Do you do IRC or matrix? If yes, you can join
me there, - eg, you can find me there on #debian-devel, I'm mjt.
I'm working on the repo, will notify you when done.