Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

 Package name    : liba2i
 Version         : 0.9
 Upstream Contact: Alejandro Colomar <>
 URL             : <>
 License         : LGPL-3.0-or-later WITH LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
 Programming Lang: C
 Description     : String-to-numeric library

Library to parse numbers from strings.

   It provides a better interface than strtol(3) et al. and strtoi(3bsd)
   et al.  It is the result of fixing several bugs in calls to strtol(3)
   et al. in the shadow project.  We came up with these better APIs.

   Not yet, but we plan to add it as a dependency to the shadow project.

   The functions provided by this library are currently implemented in
   the shadow project too.  We plan to remove that implementation from
   the shadow project, and include them from this library when it's

   libc provides strtol(3) et al.  Those functions require very complex
   error handling, which is prone to error.

   libbsd provides strtoi(3bsd) et al.  Thos functions are an
   improvement over libc's strtol(3), but still are prone to some

   The APIs provided by this library make the usage as simple and safe
   as possible.

   The upstream library is maintained by me, and is hosted at the
   <> infrastructure.

   I could maintain the Debian package, but don't have much experience
   with Debian packaging, so I'd need some help at the begining, until
   I'm comfortable with it.

   In the begining, I'd need a co-maintainer that can help me learn by
   imitation.  After a few weeks or months, I should be able to do most
   of the work (hopefully all of it).

Have a lovely day!

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