On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 02:12:43PM +0100, Norbert Tretkowski wrote:


> about two month ago, you wrote that you preparing a plan about
> handling nagios-plugins. I just want to know if this plan already
> exists. If yes, can you wrote a few words about it?

Well, my first idea was simply to upload the package and then to coordinate 
with Turbo Fredriksson to make nagios use it.

I have a draft package but haven't proceeded on it since then, because I've 
been stopped by Jeremy T Bouse who told me he had a ready nagios + plugins 

After that Turbo has done an upload to nagios fixing his RC bugs, but nothing 
went on about the plugins, so some days ago I wrote them both, to ask what to 
do. Turbo answered that he would be glad if one could manage the plugins, 
because he has no time to manage one more package. Jeremy on the other side 
seemed only interested in managing the whole nagios, which Turbo wants to keep.

So, after all, if no one objects or has a better idea I think I'll manage 
nagios-plugins, according to my original plan... Obviously if there are
other ideas Turbo shall have the last word about what is to be done, since 
he is the nagios maintainer.

Unfortunately in this period I'm very full of work, but I think I can
manage to finish my package and upload it within the first or second week 
of november.



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