Free Ekanayaka <> writes:

> Raphael Hertzog <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> On Tue, 26 Dec 2023, Mathias Gibbens wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2023-12-25 at 12:52 +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
>>> > I would really like to see incus in unstable/testing and even in
>>> > bookworm-backports at some point.
>>>   Given the large number of new/updated dependencies for Incus, it
>>> would be a lot of work to properly prepare a release for bookworm-
>>> backports once Incus gets into unstable. Not saying that it couldn't be
>>> done, but I don't know if it would be worth the effort. If you would
>>> like to use Incus on bookworm right now, probably the best approach
>>> would be to install the package from Stéphane's repo:
>> If we want to run debusine on a DSA-managed servers, we need to have
>> packages available on official Debian repositories, hence
>> bookworm-backports as installing packages from testing/unstable is out of
>> question. :-|
> I agree with Mathias that having Incus in bookworm-backports requires
> quite a bit of work. It's probably doable (although we'll have to assess
> if that'd introduce tricky dependency conflicts), but perhaps having
> some more folks helping with it would make it more feasible.

BTW, assuming that you don't need any "new" feature from later lxd/incus
releases, one option would be to have debusine conditionally use the lxd
package from bookworm when running on bookworm and incus when running on
trixie (or alternatively just use lxd on both and migrate later on down the
road). I think that would be much less work than backporting.

The only problem would be that the image server run by LinuxContainers
is going to phase out support for LXD [0], so at some point bookworm's
lxd package will stop being able to pull images from there.

One workaround would be to have Stéphane make an exception to the phase
out plan, and let bookworm's lxd keep working normally (at least until
trixie is released). I'm not sure how much he's willing to do that, but
I believe he's open to that possibility if other options (like
backporting incus) are not quite viable.


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