Followup-For: Bug #1026277

There are a bunch of mistakes that I've made along the way while attempting to
package this game.  Some that I'd note are:

  * I could've made more of an effort and waiting longer for upstream contact
    before listing an upstream email address (sorry for any resulting spam
    received at the Blendo Games domain!).

  * Related, I could've made clear that I was the upstream source code provider
    instead of leaning on an ambiguous Salsa-as-both-origin-and-package-VCS for
    a while.

  * The number of package uploads to was large and noisy;
    I was iterating fairly quickly on improvements and adjustments, and had not
    yet discovered all the linting utilities available and how to run them

  * Version history is somewhat unclear - there is a mix of what I would call
    the 'upstream' version numbers (timestamps in the format YYYYMMDD) - these
    are what I have used to tag upstream versions of the code (where no
    packaging information exists) and 'package' version numbers (these include
    single-digit prefixes, plus a package-version suffix).

    This is most relevant in the case of the 20160725 release, which I think
    could be the point at where my upstream version begins to more-clearly
    diverge from the original Blendo Games codebase (by the addition of a
    second architecture).

    As part of the packaging process, upstream version 20160725 became version
    0~20160725-1 of the package, and I'd consider the changes between there and
    1~20160725-1 to be Debian-related: they weren't particularly relevant to my
    identity as upstream developer, but they did help the package become more
    applicable to Debian's architectures (not all, unfortunately, but I think
    that adding support for a second runtime architecture can be a big step
    for compiled software).

    That change, and the change to add a manual, have been included into the
    'upstream' codebase.  Strictly speaking, the additional architecture
    support probably should've been a patch, followed by merge upstream,
    followed by inclusion and then patch-drop in the package.  They have been
    offered to the 'original upstream' codebase, for possible integration there
    if that's something that Brendan / Blendo Games would find useful.

    I guess that some remaining confusion arises from the fact that despite
    me managing both upstream and Debian packages currently, there are still
    patches in the 'debian/patches' directory.  That does seem odd to me and I
    should probably take another look at including those into the upstream
    codebase.  I think my original plan with those was to gradually offer them
    to 'original upstream' and drop them from the Debian package if-and-when
    accepted.  Trying to remember/figure out my logic for why not all of them
    are offered upstream.. my best guess is that I've only offered ones that I
    think were unlikely to cause compatibility difficulties (so changing file
    paths, for example, is _not_ offered upstream) with the original.  But I
    could be retroactively making that up.

  * Insufficient testing on the second architecture port - I got it running
    incredibly slowly in an emulator -- enough to confirm that it runs,
    basically, but not more than that.

  * My release signing has been inconsistent, partly because I'm not sure I
    have a long-term commitment to being a Debian Maintainer/Developer, and
    partly because I'm not sure I can reliably keep those keys secure (so, at
    best I think they would provide some integrity verification support, but
    I don't think they really attest highly that I'm the sole or uncompromised
    author).  Not a particularly useful mindset to have, some might argue, but
    it does lead to me towards using ephemeral keypairs (somewhere, once, I had
    some web-of-trust identity, but I haven't continued to use or maintain it).

All of these are avoidable problems - and in fact most of them are documented,
but I found it tricky to find all of those details and to keep them in mind;
even now I expect I would notice and learn more when reading through the
packaging guidelines again.  Generally it's been a good learning experience
though.  If any of the problems with the package make it ineligible for some
reason, that's a shame, but I can manage.  Otherwise, I'll be glad to fix
things up where required and think about ideas to make those problems less
likely for others to encounter (without reducing resulting package quality).

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