Dear Leo, As this ITP was filed late April and no gnome-velocity packages have been uploaded to unstable yet, I will package it myself and have it uploaded within the next 24-48 hours. Do you have any objections over my hijacking? I've been talking with one of the upstream guys recently and he's quite keen to see velocity in Debian.
Yours sincerely, Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau -- ******************************************************************************* Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau Computer Sci. UNSW & Debian GNU/Linux <netsnipe(+)\0> <alau(+)\0> GnuPG 1024D/2E8B68BD: 0B77 73D0 4F3B F286 63F1 9F4A 9B24 C07D 2E8B 68BD - "Nobody expects the Debian Inquisition! Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency!" *******************************************************************************
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