Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Marcin Owsiany <>

* Package name    : ledgerhelpers
  Version         : 0.3.4
  Upstream Author : Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPLv2+
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : collection of helper programs and a helper library for 
Ledger (ledger-cli)

This is a collection of small single-purpose programs to aid your
accounting with Ledger (ledger-cli). Think of it as the batteries that
were never included with Ledger. What can you do with these programs:
 - Enter transactions easily with addtrans.
 - Update your price quotes with updateprices.
 - Record multi-currency ATM withdrawals with withdraw-cli.
 - Record FIFO stock or commodity sales with sellstock-cli.
 - Interactively clear transactions with cleartrans-cli.
 - Keep your ledger chronologically sorted with sorttrans-cli.

I plan to maintain this package inside the Debian Python Team.

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