Hi! I've done a quick review of the 1.6.0 package on salsa as of commit d5bd184a1cf73b752f80dea46d8080493a5e663b.
It looks like there's some leftover stuff in debian/copyright, i would remove this: modified debian/copyright @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ Upstream-Name: git-multimail Upstream-Contact: Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@univ-lyon1.fr> Source: https://github.com/git-multimail/git-multimail -# -# Please double check copyright with the licensecheck(1) command. Files: * Copyright: 2014-2022, Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@univ-lyon1.fr> Also, I didn't quite follow the work on the test cases, but why did you replace pep8 by pycodestyle in the patch in debian/patches? The patch itself doesn't actually explain the *why* (it explains the "what" but we typically want more than this...) It seems like you have README.rst both in debian/rules and debian/docs. Either one of those should be sufficient, and you should remove the other. Same with the launcher in python3-git-multimail.install vs debian/rules. I'm also surprised we need that launcher at all. Normally, the `setup.py` wrapper has a scripts= stanza which should install the upstream one, why do we do it differently? I would also name the binary package `git-multimail` instead of `python3-git-multimail`, since we don't really care that much that the thing is written in python, since it's not a library. I think that's what I have for now. I haven't double-checked the upstream branch to see if it matches the upstream repo I have here, but that would be my next step before uploading... just a formality to make sure everything matches up. Thanks for working on this package! -- The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages. - Banksy
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