Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 03:48:38AM +0200, Ludovic Brenta wrote:
> >  GPS is a complete integrated development environment that gives access
> >  to a wide range of tools and integrates them smoothly.
> I tried to get GPS working, but both gnat and gnat-3.3 seem to have
> problems reading the generated project *.gpr file.
> gnat says for default.gpr
> 3:3      : "end" expected
> Eyeballing the file reveals nothing obvious wrong, so I wonder if it is
> a case of gnat 3.14p-3 (the latest in Debian) being too old?
> Of couse, it could be because the user (ie. me) did something wrong...

Indeed, you need gnat 3.15p to compile it, as the Project Manager was
introduced in this version, and 3.3 is buggy.  Someone else has ITA's
gnat 3.15p, but I have packaged it myself and if I don't get any news
from him, I'll ITA it.  You can get all of my packages at

deb ada main
deb-src ada main

Ludovic Brenta.

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