
Thanks for the response. I'd say if John is interested in maintaining the 
package then it would definitely make sense to collaborate on it.
As for the repo should I just mirror my current work from GitLab over to Salsa?

On Mon, Jul 25, 2022, at 7:11 AM, Didier Raboud wrote:
> Hello there Blake,
> I have heard about Bismuth and would like to see it in Debian.
> Le samedi, 2 avril 2022, 06.42:10 h CEST Blake Lee a écrit :
> > * Package name    : kwin-bismuth
> >   Version         : 3.0.0
> > (...)
> >  I plan on maintaining this on my GitLab, but I would have
> >  no issue maintaining it with a team. I believe this is probably
> >  an area for the KDE Extras Team.
> I see that John (cc'ed) has already started a Debian package on Salsa 
> (Debian's Gitlab instance): https://salsa.debian.org/jgoerzen/bismuth
> Would it make sense for you two to collaborate on this?
> I agree it would make sense in KDE Extras, so (as I had the rights), just 
> went 
> away and created a repo there:
>   https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/extras/kwin-bismuth
> I've invited John and you to it; don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!
> >  I will need a sponsor to upload this package.
> Happy to review and upload when that's Debian-ready!
> *Attachments:*
>  * signature.asc

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