Hi Andreas,
I just saw the mail you sent last month to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
concerning pgAdmin3 debian package.
I don't know if you got an answer from Vincent Renardias as he has a lot
to do. I know this is really late but...
The pgadmin team uses a patched version of wxWindows 2.5 that won't
integrate debian for the moment. As debian packages must be build
dynamically we can't upload pgAdmin3 packages until wxWindows 2.5
packages become available. Ron Lee who is responsible of the wxWindows
packages is aware of this and will provide packages as soon as he thinks
that it becomes stable enough.
I provide static packages for debian woody, sarge and sid on pgAdmin3 site.
You can find detailed instructions on how to get them at
http://www.pgadmin.org/pgadmin3 in the download section.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any problem concerning
pgAdmin3 debian packages.
Sorry if my answer duplicated one from Vincent, and sorry for the lag.