On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 04:04 PM, Bruno David Simões Rodrigues wrote:

A Ter, 2003-09-09 às 15:14, Arnaud Willem escreveu:

On Saturday, June 7, 2003, at 05:53 PM, Bruno Rodrigues wrote:

I'd be glad to adopt this and mantis, as I'm using mantis in several
places and both in my workplace.

Glad to notice people still want to take care of it...
What are you up to with the package? Do you still intend to adopt it as
your ITA is
just over two months old...

Hi. Sorry but I haven't picked up this package as Javier Gutierrez asked
me to keep it.

Hm, I'm having problems understanding the situation.

Please read my last reply at http://bugs.debian.org/196199

I've read that. I've had some troubles understanding it, though. Javier asked you to keep your ITP, but you haven't done anything to maintain, or package a new version of cacti, is that correct?

I've already ITA'ed them and I'm now looking at existing bugs.

Please don't. Let Javier reply back confirming if he wants to keep it
and if not, talk with the other guys that also asked to maintain it.

I am not planning to package it... I was quoting what you wrote...

Javier, I feel that cacti packaging has come to a halt, and Bruno who's ITP'd it says he's waiting for you (I hope I'm not getting anything wrong here), could you make a move to clarify this?

The last upload of cacti dates from the 16th of June of this year; a new version (0.8.1) is out, and a wishlist bug has been filed since 75 days (#198777) for that, but no move has been made since the Orphaning of the package, although
there's this ITP placed on it...

Hoping that this can be sorted out and fresh blood^Wpackages can get into the archive as soon as possible,
        Cheers, Arnaud

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