Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira (aka kretcheu)" <>

* Package name    : glyphtools
  Version         : 0.8.0
  Upstream Author : Simon.Cozens.<>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Routines for extracting information from font glyphs

 Package provides many routines to obtain information about font glyphs from
 font binaries or font project files.
 Main features provide by the API:
 - Return the category of the given glyph.
 - Set the category of the glyph in the font.
 - Return glyph metrics as a dictionary.
 - Return the Arabic rise of the glyph (Y difference between entry and exit).
 - Return the Arabic run of the glyph (X difference between entry and exit).
 - Organise a dictionary into a number of bins.
 - Organise glyphs according to a given metric.
 - Return the glyph as a set of beziers.BezierPath objects.
 - Add a new glyph to the font duplicating an existing one.

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