Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request an adopter for the xplanet package. I've not had any time to
work on the package for quite a while, so I'm hoping somebody else
will pick it up.

The package description is:
 Xplanet renders an image of a planet into an X window or a file. All
 of the major planets and most satellites can be drawn, and different
 map projections are also supported, including azimuthal, hemisphere,
 Lambert, Mercator, Mollweide, Peters, polyconic, and rectangular.
 In order to run xplanet, you'll need at least one map file. Some maps
 are included in the xplanet-images package.
 Xplanet renders an image of a planet into an X window or a file. All
 of the major planets and most satellites can be drawn, and different
 map projections are also supported, including azimuthal, hemisphere,
 Lambert, Mercator, Mollweide, Peters, polyconic, and rectangular.
 In order to run xplanet, you'll need at least one map file. Some maps
 are included in the xplanet-images package.

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