Package: wnpp
Control: owner -1 Dave Jones <>
Control: block 997088 by -1
Control: block -1 by 993443
* Package name : rtimulib
Version : 7.2.1
* URL :
* License : MIT, GPL-3.0+, BSD-2-Clause
Section : libs
RTIMULib is the simplest way to connect a 9-dof, 10-dof or 11-dof IMU to an embedded Linux system
and obtain Kalman-filtered quaternion or Euler angle pose data. Basically, two simple funtion calls
(IMUInit() and IMURead()) are pretty much all that's needed to integrate RTIMULib.
This package is a pre-requisite for support of the Raspberry Pi Sense
HAT in Debian (though RTIMULib is more general as is applicable to many
different IMUs).