Pierre Machard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yeah, I know i should have removed this sentence, but I don't see where
> the problem is. The description is quite explicit. What do you want me
> to add ?

The first part of the description is okay as it states what the editor
does, but I would reword it in a more objective style: no need to say
that Jext provides "advanced features to ease your work", just list
them...  and let the user decide if it's really helpful.

The last part is useless for the average user because people won't
necessarily want to extend the editor, but just use it.

Besides, I'd mention in the description the fact that Jext needs a JRE
and hence will come with potentially large dependencies.  And you
should add the upstream homepage URL in the description as well.  :-)


Romain FRANCOISE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | There are doors that open by
it's a miracle -- http://orebokech.com/ | themselves.

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