Hi Magnus

I'm happy to sponsor you. I'm one of the python-xarray maintainers.


On 14/01/2021, 10:18, "Magnus Hagdorn" <magnus.hagd...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:

    Package: wnpp
    Severity: wishlist
    Owner: Magnus Hagdorn <magnus.hagd...@ed.ac.uk>

    * Package name    : geocube
      Version         : 0.0.15
      Upstream Author : Alan Snow <alansno...@gmail.com>
    * URL             : https://github.com/corteva/geocube
    * License         : BSD
      Programming Lang: Python
      Description     : Tool to convert geopandas vector data into rasterized 
xarray data.

    Geocube is a tool to convert geopandas vector data into rasterized
    xarray data. It combines the interfaces of:
     * geopandas
     * xarray
     * rioxarray
    and is powered by GDAL using:
     * rasterio
     * fiona
     * datacube

    Happy to maintain this package but will need a sponsor.

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