Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sam Reed <>

* Package name    : ustreamer
  Version         : 2.2
  Upstream Author : Maxim Devaev <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : Lightweight and fast MJPG-HTTP streamer

µStreamer is a lightweight and very quick server to stream MJPG
videofrom any V4L2 device to the network. All new browsers have
native support of this video format, as well as most video
players such as mplayer, VLC etc. µStreamer is a part of the
Pi-KVM project designed to stream VGA and HDMI screencast
hardware data with the highest resolution and FPS possible.

ustreamer is used as part of Pi-KVM (a Raspberry Pi based IP
KVM), to stream video to a web browser.

It is intended to get this packaged so it will eventually be
available in Raspberry Pi OS (and other Debian derivatives),
allowing Pi-KVM to be used on those OS rather than using Arch.

I currently use it as part of the Pi-KVM project, and
hopefully when it is packaged, also use it as part of
OctoPrint and the OctoPi OS (version of Raspberry Pi OS).

MJPG-Streamer is alternative software providing the same
function, however it is currently not packaged for Debian
either, though it is available in a snap.

I'm happy to work on packaging/maintaining it in future,
and I believe the upstream Author (Maxim) may be interested
too, but is currently busy with other work, hence me packaging

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