Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : onionscan
  Version         : 0.2
  Upstream Author : Sarah Jamie Lewis <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : tool for investigating the Dark Web

OnionScan is a free and open source tool for investigating the Dark Web. It
has two primary goals:
- We want to help operators of hidden services find and fix operational
  security issues with their services. We want to help them detect
  misconfigurations and we want to inspire a new generation of anonymity
  engineering projects to help make the world a more private place.
- Secondly we want to help researchers and investigators monitor and track
  Dark Web sites. In fact we want to make this as easy as possible. Not
  because we agree with the goals and motives of every investigation force
  out there - most often we don't. But by making these kinds of
  investigations easy, we hope to create a powerful incentive for new
  anonymity technology (see goal #1)


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