Owner: raph...@medaer.me
Control: retitle -1 ITA: xmldiff -- tree to tree correction between xml 

Hi Adrian,

I would enjoy to maintain the package `xmldiff`. Here is the state:

  ✓ Replace maintainer in `debian/control`
  ✓ Added a new maintainer version `2.4-2`
  ✓ Check for new upstream release: not any new release available
  ✓ Updated `Standards-Version` to `4.5.0` and check conformity (diff only; 
  ✗ Changes committed in a fork (https://salsa.debian.org/rmedaer/xmldiff), not 
in debian repository, don't have access 

Could you help with the permissions of the Debian git repository ?

Kind regards,

Raphaël Medaer

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