On So, 05 Jan 2020, Peter Eisentraut wrote: > > Certainly a few reverse (Build-)Depends:
> > # Broken Build-Depends: > > privoxy: docbook-dsssl > > Yeah, about half of these are wrapper tools or something of the > sort, half are very old software packages that should update their > documentation build process upstream (or should be removed from > Debian). At least privoxy is actively maintained upstream as well as in Debian and still uses docbook-dsssl to build the documentation (the Debian package could use the pre build documentation shipped by upstream, but in my eyes this isn't what "build from source" really means, so I rebuild the documentation on every build). The built documentation is then made available as HTML and referenced from the program itself (pointing to countless paragraphs/anchors), so it may not be trivial to change this to a different tool chain, which may generate different anchors in the HTML code. > > While investigating this - knowing nothing about docbook myself -, > > I discovered that docbook.org recommends using pandoc instead of > > the openjade/xmlto/... zoo. Maybe other maintainers might find > > this useful. > > I'm not aware of this recommendation and I couldn't find it. Same for me. > The most straightforward change would be to change to docbook-xsl. > But that would be an upstream decision. But docbook-xsl is also orphaned: https://bugs.debian.org/802370 Greetings Roland