Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : veroroute
  Version         : 1.83
  Upstream Author : Name <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL version 3
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Veroboard, Perfboard, and PCB layout and routing

I am the author of the program. I released it on Sourceforge almost 3 years ago
and have been continually improving it since then.

I orginally wrote the software to help me do simple veroboard (stripboard)
layouts for guitar effect pedals, and
realised I could expand it to design simple PCBs also.  It is unlike any other
stripboard or PCB design software
in the approach taken to design the circuit.

I know of one other piece of free software for producing veroboard and
perfboard layouts ("DIY Layout Creator" or DIYLC).
It is fairly easy to use but lacks key functionality which makes it little more
than a glorified drawing package.
In particular it has no abilty to specify a netlist, which means the user has
to manually check
the whole design for open circuits and short circuits, and this makes it hard
to reliably design complex circuits.

VeroRoute on the other hand was designed from the start with connectivity
checking in mind.
It is impossible to create a design with a short circuit (the program won't let
you) and it will warn you about any open circuits.
Not only that, it will auto-route the circuit for you.
I recently added Gerber export. This means with a click of a few buttons you
can take a
simple stripboard or perfboard design, and easily produce the files required to
get a 2-layer PCB manufactured.
I believe this program provides the simplest way for getting a circuit laid out
and manufactured as a PCB.

See this post for an example with screeenshots ...

I do not know what is required to get a package into Debian (other than making
this request).
Someone has already ported VeroRoute to FreeBSD, and another person has made it
available in the Arch Linux User Repository.
I am hoping someone on the Debian team could do something similar and producing
a Debian package based on what I release on sourceforge.

Thank you.

Alex Lawrow

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