retitle 114398 ITP: dbtcp -- A client for the MS Windows ODBC proxy server

[Please reply to me, Cc'ing the list, as per the M-F-T header].

Hi all!
Just a quick note to say that I've packaged up dbtcp, and am thus taking
over the RFA (#114398). It was pretty fun to package - a PHP4 module
that ostensibly needs to be built in-tree. However, it took a nice
hand-hacked Makefile to make it build out-of-tree, and even then it has
some fun issues.

PHP4 installs to /usr/lib/php4/<date>, where date is probably the
release date (it's 20020429, currently). I can work out the directory to
install to (php-config --extension-dir), but how should I handle this in
package relationships? If the date changes, php4-dbtcp suddenly becomes
useless - PHP's looking in a different directory for its extensions.

Anyway, the debs are at:
deb dbtcp/
deb-src dbtcp/

:) d

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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