
On 1/2/20 2:26 PM, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> I have moved the package over to the debian/ namespace on salsa. You
> should have full access to the repo there now.

Great, thanks!

>>> If you are not a DD, are you interested in a packaging review? Or shall
>>> I just go over your packaging and add my 2ยข here and there and then
>>> upload?
>> I'm happy about reviews! I have already some experience with packaging
>> and have more or less regular sponsors for some of my packages, but its
>> nice to have packages reviewed by new people, because different people
>> have different approaches to packaging ;)
> As you are neither a DD nor DM, let me fine-tune the question:
> Do you plan to become a DM or DD in the (near) future? If so, I'll
> surely review your packages.


> If not (which makes not much sense with already quite a few pkgs in
> Debian), I'll simply add my change proposals on top (or via an MR) to
> save some time.
>>> Maintainer-wise, I'd say we put a package tracker email address into the
>>> Maintainer:-field and add the package to more than one team on
>>> tracker.debian.org. So all teams get informed on updates. Uploader-wise,
>>> we should put all persons' names into the field that are interested in
>>> its maintenance.
>> Oke, I'll do that. I'm using the 'bare debian' git packaging approach,
> /me loves bare debian/ repos... ;-)

Oh, great! I already thought I am the only one ;)

>> which is not very common, but I'm happy to switch to something else (I
>> read the PkgMate/GitPackaging page, but it still lists alioth, so I'm
>> not sure how authoritative it is...).
> no switching needed... :-D
>> I'll can then ping you when I think the package is ready for review.
> Yes, please do.

Oke, its ready, I've just pushed to the debian/sid branch


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