Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Alastair McKinstry <>

* Package name    : eccodes-python
  Version         : 0.9.2
  Upstream Author : Shahram Najm <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Python 3 interface to encode and decode GRIB and BUFR files 
via the ECMWF ecCodes library.

  This is the Python interface to the eccodes library.
  It reads and writes GRIB 1 and 2 files, and reads and writes BUFR 3 and 4 
  This uses the eccodes library already in Debian. Previous eccodes versions 
shipped a Python library (using SWIG);
  it is now split out using a CFFI interface as a separate package.

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